Tuesday 29 May 2012


Vision is borne out of compassion and dissatisfaction...I heard someone say this recently (the compassion part) and it really stuck....Visions are passion driven and are birthed as a result of dissatisfaction. When you are comfortable with your position, there's hardly any drive or will pushing you to break limits and you can never truly do something excellently unless you have a vision. I used to have this misconception that being visionary was a big deal, but like I said it was a MISCONCEPTION. Visions are not just those big dreams that we never accomplish, but they are the end result or the picture of how a thing CAN BE against how IT IS...So, as little as saying "I'm  really tired of the way things are going and i want a change"....can be the turn around point for your vision. Something stirs up in you and this provokes some action which is first a clear decision of what you want to achieve and then the necessary steps to follow. Congratulations! you have just created a vision in that aspect of your life. So lets go back to our lives and see the things that appear fuzzy or have lost focus and realign them. Remember, visions are passion driven and are birthed as a result of dissatisfaction with your present state. Be dissatisfied


  1. Lovely Piece dear, am inspired!!!

    1. I'm happy your inspired...thank you for reading..and commenting.
