Monday 9 July 2012


Have you ever wondered that if there weren't any mirrors, you probably wouldn't really know what your face looked like, except someone helped you out of course...very funny, but true. As humans, I have come to realize that we all look but see differently, which implies that how I look like would have been described in a thousand ways by different people because of their various perceptions. It would have been a very confusing thing, but then again thank God for the technology behind mirrors....Is someone wondering why I'm  thanking God and not'll find out in a bit. More than 2000 years ago when He made man, He made him in His image and likeness. He was the first ever to say anything about our image and tell us what our reflection was to look like. He gave us a mirror not like the ones that show you how small your nose is or how big your are (just kidding....btw i have a big nose), but the kind that reveals His glorious image which is the same as the one He made us in..
how do i prove that...well, you are the prove...yes you. your reading this now and trying to logically explain what I'm saying, but the truth is, a dog can't do that.*smiles*.. if you need any more proves post your comments, I'll be sure to reply. The question now is why we do not reflect that wonderful image of God. Let's consider a scenario where a person didn't look at a mirror in the morning and sometime later in the day I asked why something was wrong with a part of his face, he would most likely not be able to answer me correctly because he doesn't know whats wrong. Its almost the same thing with the glory of God. It is as we look into the mirror of God (His word) that we become aware of our true selves and that is only when we can take advantage of it.
Even till date, despite the fact that we readily have mirrors that show us our physical appearances, they still do not tell us all that we need to know and by the time you go on asking people around you, you are back to being the person I first described in the beginning..CONFUSED. The only remedy to clearing this doubt is by holding up every opinion and bringing it side by side with the image of God, which we find in His word as we study it...Your identity is very important, because when the purpose of a thing isn't known, abusing it is inevitable..