Sunday 29 January 2017

Be Intentional in 2017

Happy New Year guys..It was an awesome 2016 but it will be an even better 2017. Please read on;

A lot has been on my mind. I've been very behind in keeping up with this fast paced know, the one we see on screens, media etc. Even in my own space where I am queen, it felt like I had been dethroned, I was now second place. This is so not the introduction I was seeking in the new year..the pressure to measure up was rising and still is...Take the blogging world for e.g "almost everyone posted about lessons learnt in 2016, I didn't...almost everyone talked on the New Year & resolutions, I didn't and this wasn't because I was doing something Please ask me what I've been doing then...I've been reading other blog posts and saying I should be doing this and I've actually written down some posts (in my notebook) but nothing has been happening on the surface. Now instead of being inspired by other bloggers, I was feeling discouraged (not the serious kind anyway..) because it just amplified how lazy I had been by seeing how diligent they were.

But enough with the ranting....I like to see myself as a solution oriented I've decided to be more intentional with this blog. I will try to post once or twice at least bi-weekly and plan topics ahead to share monthly. The major problem has always been I write as I'm inspired and inspiration hits at anytime hence the irregular pattern of the posts. So I intend to start pursuing the inspiration as against just going with the flow, so that i can write more from my heart. My encouragement for the year ahead is to be more intentional in creating the change we desire, be it a relationship, career, spiritual life etc. This is my happy new year post especially to all of us starting will take shape and speed. May your dreams (the selfless ones) come true in this New Year. *kisses...*