Friday 3 March 2017

In Pursuit of my dreams....

Welcome to the month of March, guys...
As I stated in the previous post, I'll try to keep up with bi-weekly posts...which means I owe you guys 2 posts for the month of February. But here's a fresh post from March on pursuing our dreams...I hope it inspires you to dream please read on, like, comment and share. Thanks...Enjoy!!!


Dreams, imaginations, interests, purpose…etc, whichever vocabulary you prefer, but I use dreams for this post. Dreams in this context are those imaginations within us that light up our souls when we think of them, the kind we day-dream about. That is what I’m referring to in this post

I was having a chat with a friend and I realized just how intertwined this topic is and so I decided to share from my own experiences on pursuing my dreams.
I have always had dreams for as long as I can remember…I’ve had interests in a variety of things, some more lasting than others. At one point when I was younger, I wanted to be an athlete but that dream quickly faded away, as I couldn’t even keep up with a 100 m race (I tried in Secondary School). But some others ran and enjoyed it. Even when they fell, they ”licked” their wounds and kept going. I realized that my interest in the sport was mainly because I was exposed to sports at an early age and just loved what I saw. I was merely an admirer and not a partaker. I’ve had several other interests which along the line, I realized I wasn’t tailor made for, so I dropped them. But looking back, I can say that some interests have stood the test of time over and over again, while some new dreams have been born and new ones are still yet to be To a large extent, I think our capacity to dream lies in what we’ve been exposed to and what we took interest in. That’s why even till this day, as my knowledge of my environment grows, so have my dreams. Dreams never have a constant shape or container, so they're always changing or evolving. It’s like I said earlier about the athletic dream I got rid off, it’s no use sticking to a dream you aren’t built for. Even, though dreams can be multi-faceted, I realized there's usually a common rooted thought were all others spring from…and for me its solving problems and spreading hope.

Due to the intangible nature of dreams, they can be easily lost if not held on to tight. But never let reality drown your dreams, hold onto them as tightly as you can and work towards them. There's a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from seeing our dreams come to life. It gives a sense of pride and joy and its in those times we feel like we have truly accomplished and have become a success. "One day..I would like to do this and that…" isn't a foolish/childish talk, it's a sign that you are not done yet and there's yet more fulfillment ahead. I know reality can be challenging, (I'm in it too..) but with dogged determination we can make our dreams come true. For some of us that may be asking, "What are my dreams?.. " Its anything you think about that gives you joy (that's within the human rights It could be prospects of a peaceful family, work at it. Sometimes its an infamous path, work at it. Anything at all you dream about is worthy and the beautiful thing is they keep evolving as we go and grow through life. At times our dreams become unclear, that we even forget, but anytime we see something that looks like it, we light up. It is good practice to keep the things that inspire us close, so we should start digging up for them, the more the 
Start trying out the things you you know where you stand, if you're the admirer, or a partaker. For instance, I keep bloggers close on my Instagram page, I follow writers, I follow makeup artist, I follow musicians, I follow photographers and others…lol. They are a dose of inspiration to me and a pointer at what the reality of my dreams might look like. Now, I may not end up doing all but I can say I will not be doing anything outside that.

In conclusion, don't chase after false hopes, but real dreams. Just because you see people on social media or wherever "living the life" doesn't mean there isn't hard work holding it all together. Work at your dreams and dream some more. Cheers to following our dreams and making them a reality!!!