Friday 3 August 2018

Mirror Mirror....who is the fairest of them all ?

Hello guys...Its been a very long silence here but that's life (I really hate to say that). So I've decided to really push myself. A blog post each day. More like a live update of my life as it happens. Anyway, I started getting out all the drafts I've kept stored for the longest of time. I'm not sure how this would go yet, I've made too many promises before now,'s time to just get on with it.

I'm sure that most of us are familiar with the title above, but for clarity sake and to jog up someone's memory, I'll say where I culled it from. This is a popular statement from Snow White's movies/cartoons used by the wicked step-mum that wanted to reign forcefully. Yeah! that's it. Although this post has nothing to do with the story, the statement she makes has a lot to do with the write-up.

This post is a sequel of an earlier post (the beautiful soul). the link will send us right to the genesis of this master piece. I am soooo sorry it has taken a long time now from the previous one. This was not my original intention and actually its been too long to remember what my original intention was. Anyway, what you see in the mirror is what you get, most of the time, except you're using concave, convex stuff. What you see is pretty much who you are on the outside. You can't wish yourself away, you can't wish that fat tucked in your tummy away, or the bulgy eyes that's staring back at you. You just have to accept the person you see first in front of you before any change can begin.

A lot has happened in my life, some good, some not so good but its all a learning process. One thing I've learnt is that no one can deal with you except you. We can motivate you, encourage you, criticize you, but no one can cause anything to happen in your own life without your permission. Own yourself, take responsibility, you have to first accept life as it is, then you can move forward.....

well that's it for today guys....see you tomorrow....