Wednesday 11 December 2013

The Busy-ness of Life.

Sometimes in our lives, we get carried away with life's challenges that for a moment or a while, we lose 'ourselves' in it. We stop doing the things that we once cherished, things that made us smile and turn to just existing. The worst of this case are people who have gotten so used to these 'abnormalities' that they now accept their way of living as 'normal' or 'that is how life is' some will put. There are even some others who have come to like the term 'I'm busy', so they can appear relevant to their peers like they're making impact. I have noticed that only a few have qualitative impact in their busyness. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying being busy is bad, I'm just saying, being busy about the wrong thing is a problem. Taking my life as a case study, I realized that I got soo busy at work that I hadn't done any constructive write up in months now. I just kept postponing till I completely didn't do anything about it. I almost started adjusting to some stereotype lifestyle, thank God I realized and I'm back on track. A wider example that cuts across many of us is the case of our childhood dreams. As a little girl, I remember I had so many beautiful dreams of how I wanted my life to look like, but as I grew older I started to become more 'realistic'...*laughs*. This is not to say we should all become dreamers chasing after shadows. Rather, its a call to awaken the ingenious locked away inside each of us. We shouldn't drop those childhood dreams saying they were immature, instead we should refine them to fit into present times. Life is to be lived to the fullest and not just passed through. This cannot happen if we are carried away with busyness in the wrong things and accepting an average lifestyle instead of utilizing our potential to make the world more appreciable.

Hearty Cheers!!!