Tuesday 11 August 2015

Riding the Highs and lows of life....

Have you ever felt soo good at one time you felt like you were going to burst but you didn't  and not so long after you felt like the worst person on earth....Well, I have and recently it has become more frequent that I can't ignore and immediately needs addressing.
I've struggled amidst high and low points in my life soo much that being consistent became difficult to keep at. I could go for a very wonderful service and come out soo alive and instead of fanning the flames ...I douse it with one mistake. The worse part is if you're introverted like me, you probably keep your struggles to yourself because "they" might not just get it...Anyway, this article isn't to solicit for your pity but actually share steps that are helping put me on a better platform of enjoying a more wholesome steady life.
1. Your mistakes don't define you. This is very important to me and should also be to you. If you take the lovely things about you as seriously as you took the bad...the bad wouldn't even have as much impact on you.
2.  Learn quickly and move on as fast as yesterday. The more time we wallow in guilt and self battering the harder it is to come out and do the wonderful things that are waiting for us out there.
3. Remember your future. Is your "past" mistake really worth throwing away your priceless future which by the way starts right now. I don't think it does. So please stop selling yourself cheap.
4. Take your lessons learned seriously. This will help avoid future disappointment in that same area and if you don't you will repeat that stage till you learn.
5. Talk to a wiser person. If after doing stuffs to remedy your situation and the problems still persist, talk to someone who is much wiser and can also identify with what you're going through. This will help in many ways like access to sound advice, someone to encourage you to be your best. Chances are you are less likely to fall into the same thing with a good mentor/ friend than without.
Life doesn't give promotions without kowing that you have got the corresponding strength to manage it. God even said He will not allow something you cannot handle come to you (Paraphrased). Whatever you currently face you have the power to conquer.
I'll end by leaving the picture of a surfer in your mind. Don't complain or struggle or feel down about your lows, study the wave pattern and Ride gracefully. Love you guys.

Monday 4 May 2015

Things don't make us better

I don't even know if this is the most appropriate title but you will soon understand what this article is really about.
In recent years, with all the technology advancements in Africa, I too have not been left behind in the thrill and have become very tech conscious. The gadgets, the websites, the blogs, the Internet, the mobile apps and so on. It's really exploding everyday.
Anyway, so when I started this blog, all I wanted to do was write impactful things. I thought to myself that if I had "better" gadgets, I will be a more efficient writer. So my target was get a 'smarter' smartphone, a top specs laptop, better Internet access and so on ...I hadn't realised that the soul of the passion for writing wasn't found in the things I was amassing but in me. This is were I started to notice a downward spiral. I wasn't more effective than I was when I first started. I had trusted things too much over me.
Technology is good but humans are the brains behind it. No application ever ran without a computer geek somewhere, no site ever ran without the programmer, no machine (even artificial intelligence) ever made that didn't involve humans. These 'things' are here to make our lives easier not show us that we can't do without them. They only have value because of you and I. So the next time you think it's your laptop that's slowing you down, just remember that you are the boss and smarter than it. You will soon realise that restricting yourself to the confines of machines, doesn't just limit you to what it can do, it slowly kills innovation and creativity.
"Things" won't work until you've gone to work.
Cheers 😉☺

Friday 20 February 2015

The plank in our eyes

I want to start by saying that this is first of all talking to me..more than anyone else. Most times its easier to see the fault of others..its easier to point fingers to the next person and blame him/her for your short comings...its easier to give advice or criticise someone else even when your in the same boat. But is it right...? Certainly not.
I've been in many situations where I was hurt by what someone did or didn't do..and also where I criticised, judged and passed sentence...loool...But then I painfully remember when I was in a similar situation and didn't respond any better...I still let out my steam and trash whoever though... but deep down I can now put myself in the person's shoes and realise just how much I've hurt someone else...It takes my eyes off the current situation I'm in where I'm demanding to be treated "right" and I find myself really sorry about the persons I have previously mistreated..
The fact is..nobody is perfect...This isnt to say everybody should go on and treat people without respecting them just because they must have hurt someone else too ..No! Rather its a call to treat people in the way you will want to be treated...So next time before you pass that judgement "Judge"...take a step back and be sure to remove the plank in your own eyes first...I'm sure by the time you're done.. you will have very little strength left for criticism. ...
Enjoy your day...

N:B  I know I've been the most slothful blogger....no excuses...no blames on anyone but myself...picking up the pieces and starting all over...