Saturday 3 November 2012

A grateful heart

Recently, I was reading a book titled "Battlefield of the mind" and I came across a very usual term GRATEFUL. I'm sure you may be wondering what's so striking about the word, but I tell you that I haven't been taken aback by that word like I was on that day and like flowers respond to sunlight, my heart was flooded with light on that term "grateful".
Before now, I used to think that I was a grateful person (...not saying that I'm not), but averagely I think I did the 'usual' things. I now realise that being grateful is not that thing we do passively, but rather its a conscious active attitude. Its more than saying thank you for a service, but having a grateful outlook and attitude towards life in general. I once heard someone say..."only someone that can think that can thank", very true....Its true that there are a lot of discouraging things going on around us and these things are so in our faces that we sometimes forget the good things that have happened and are still happening to us. A very basic example many take for granted is LIFE. I like to say/think that only living people have the luxury of facing problems....dead people don't. I'm sure if the dead could speak they'll prefer a second chance in this "problematic world" rather than an untimely death....
I just want us to be conscious of the good things that happen in our lives and start being grateful for them, no matter how "normal" they seem, as there are still some that wish for what you have right now but can't get it.. that you are able to read this, is more than enough reason to be grateful...not everyone can read.
have a grateful weekend....cheers


  1. I am GRATEFUL that I am being able to be told, to be more grateful. You are a rare gem.

  2. Happy that you gained something from this post and thanks for sharing your thought.

  3. This is insightful and true. Thank you for such a wonderful piece. I look forward to reading more. Well done.

    1. Thanks Ndianabasi Udonkang for appreciating this post. There will be more, thanks again.
