Thursday 24 November 2016


A new day isn't nearly as celebrated as a new month or a new year. I think its because most of us just expect to wake up everyday and its not really anything special, but it is and I'll tell you why.
Recently, I was thinking of some changes I wanted to make as regards growing spiritually but unconsciously I decided to start next year since we are almost at the close of this year...(very unwise decision). It was then the Holy Spirit asked me this question "what is wrong with the 29th"..( which was the day I was meditating). This really sank deep...Now I ask you guys the same question, what is wrong with today? Why I'm I postponing a good plan till next year..just so I can begin on a New year...or month? It was then I realized that most of us unconsciously don't recognise a new day as a privilege but as our right. We find ourselves waiting for a new phase to present itself before starting that business, breaking that bad habit, learning that new skill and so on. We don't even realise that each day is "a new phase". In the Bible, God says His mercies are new each morning not every month or every January... but everyday. Let's get up and start executing those plans and stop waiting for the new year.
As for me, I will start cherishing everyday as if it was a new month or year...I'll start implementing those plans right away because I've been given another opportunity at life today and not next year.
You know how we get all excited and energetic in preparation for the New year that even drives us to make those "new year resolutions" we often never fulfil...let's say we put in just a little of that energy into each day, I can only imagine the success stories that would be flooding us.
No two days are the same, so let's stop dragging the happenings of yesterday into the new day and treating each day as if it were all the same. Lets be excited about each day because its truly a gift. Learn to forgive, live fully and love richly because guess what, if we are alive today, then we still have hope and an opportunity to right our wrongs and make whatever contributions we want to society and whether tomorrow comes or not we will have lived without regrets...

With love from Queen Amina...

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Dating as we know it (PART II)

So just picking up from where I left in the first part of this post... Dating shouldn't be done as something you engage in just because you are attracted to someone but an intentional direction towards marriage. It shouldn't be an exaggerated form of getting to know someone. When you do marry, you will continually be unfolding every part of yourselves which is what makes it fun and exciting. Its no wonder some marriages are dull, because the essential "knowing" has been done during "dating". Instead of having the thrill of newness spice up your marriage, what you get is a dull obligation to someone else. In doing this (keeping your relationship pure), you honor God (at least for a Christian) and because of that you can trust Him to come through for you in marriage and other aspects of your life.
To be sincere with you guys, I think "dating" is a waste of time because I just end up doing things that please my flesh and not my spirit. I don't glorify God with my body by presenting as a "living sacrifice" and fleeing all forms of sexual immorality because dating places a pressure to thread in that way.
Some people are of the idea that dating is a process of trying to see if you guys fit and if you don't, well you move on. But lets take a serious look into this, a popular example used is shopping. Its like going to a store to try out shoes to see which size fits you well. First of all, you should already know your size, not by trying all the shoes but measuring your feet with some measuring (This is a message here people, know thyself using a standard(Christ). Stop trying too many things.)
Secondly, once you know your size and during the process of trying out a shoe, it gets damaged, like the heel got broken or any notable damage to the shoe, you shouldn't expect to receive a pat on the back. You will have to pay in one form or the other for damaging the shoe, because it will be harder to sell a damaged shoe as the value would have depreciated. So can you see the end point of this logic, (its not my idea to compare dating to a shopping exercise by the way...). It shows you that if you must date never damage each other in an attempt to see if you guys fit. You have a responsibility to either leave the person how you met them or add value to them. Now if you're not doing any of these, then I'm sorry to say but you guys aren't DATING you're PLAYING...Have a great day guys. God bless.

Dating as we know it (PART I)

Hey guys..Long time, no post. So I can say I've been so busy but I know that's not the main reason I haven't posted anything in a long time. No excuses, just repentance, receiving forgiveness and carrying on from where I stopped. So the topic today has been on my mind..and I actually journal-ed it in my diary on the 13th of January this year, but have not been able to post it until now.
Dating in this sense is the coming together of a guy and a girl who are attracted to each other for a romantic relationship. This gives them room to get to "know" each other better and later decide if they want to continue to marriage or just break up and either become enemies or stay
Lets go back in time for a bit, in those days when a guy was interested in a lady, he got to know her and met the family to state his intentions. Shortly afterwards, "courting" (which is a form of dating but with marriage in view) began and in most cases marriage followed. Fast forward to these days, another intermediary process has been included..DATING. This happens after a guy sees a lady he likes and then "asks her out" and they start dating. In other words, they get into an exclusive relationship, where they get to know each other more. Sometimes its official and other times its I wouldn't have had a problem with this concept as its an avenue to get to know each other but it always has a tendency of derailing or going far from its high minded intentions/ purpose.
Since the goal of dating is to "know" each other, they start meeting frequently, having long conversations, wanting more privacy, sometimes even move in with each other, all in an attempt to know someone better. Mind you in all this time, there has not been marriage in view (even though sometimes they occasionally discuss it). They want to keep "knowing" the person before they commit to a lifetime mistake. Well, the aim is noble but I dare say the process is. This "Dating" has led to a lot of single parenting, abortions, unwanted babies, abandoned children and so on. My question is two-fold, can you know a person fully? how long will you know each other before its enough for marriage or break up? The truth is we can never really know someone fully and new chapters of our lives open up now and then that even surprise us. Lets cut this deception and get serious with our lives. Guys if you find a lady that interests you, check her out, get closer, know what her values and ideals are, her dreams, goals and aspirations, the kind of family she's from. Take your time to pray and ask God for wisdom and direction before the aforementioned. Then if all is well, make a formal declaration of your intentions to her father or any other close leader figure in her life. This helps you to stay on course during the relationship and treat the lady with much regard.
I definitely have a lot to say on this but it will be too lengthy on one post, so I'm going to stop here and pour out the rest of my heart in the next part. Stay tuned guys, God bless.